One to one remediation is tailored to support students who struggle with basic skills in reading, comprehension, writing and mathematics. Support is fully individualized to meet the needs of each unique student, using evidence-informed strategies. A body of knowledge called the Science of Reading provides the foundation for structured literacy intervention at the Centre for Literacy. Our specially designed math remediation progression complements the work being done in area schools. The Centre also offers support for Executive Functioning skills (self-control, following multi-step directions, planning and focussing).
The Centre conducts assessments to help create a robust plan for support. If a student is referred to the Centre without any previous assessments, or without a current assessment, a baseline review will be done in the area of need (reading, writing or math skills). This assessment will be repeated at periodic intervals during the time a student attends the Centre for literacy. The Centre uses a specially designed assessment tool to assess reading; and uses the Feifer Assessments for writing and math.
Our study skills classes focus on working smarter, not harder! Centre for Literacy Study Skills workshops are being re-tooled at this time so they can be offered online. The workshops will provide participants with strategies to uncover and capitalize learning styles, get and stay organized, take notes that make sense and manage exam anxiety. They will also include individual follow-up coaching.
The Centre for Literacy offers extensive virtual professional development sessions.