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Parent Support Group

Centre for Literacy 100, 9797-45th Avenue NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Description and Objectives The Parent Support Group is a new program offered at the Centre for Literacy. Participants from the Parenting a Child with Learning Disabilities/Disorders workshop asked that the Parent Support Group be established. As active participants in the Parenting a Child Workshop, they wanted to keep the conversation and mutual support going. The purpose of the Parent Support...

Board Games Night for Adults on the Autism Spectrum

Centre for Literacy 100, 9797-45th Avenue NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

The Centre for Literacy, with the kind support of the Larry and Janet Anderson Philanthropies, is delighted to host Board Games Night.  Held every second Thursday, it provides an opportunity for adults or older teens on the autism spectrum to get together. A formal diagnosis of autism is not necessary to participate. Games at Games Night range from Role Playing Games...


Board Games Night for Adults on the Autism Spectrum

Centre for Literacy 100, 9797-45th Avenue NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

The Centre for Literacy, with the kind support of the Larry and Janet Anderson Philanthropies, is delighted to host Board Games Night.  Held every second Thursday, it provides an opportunity for adults or older teens on the autism spectrum to get together. A formal diagnosis of autism is not necessary to participate. Games at Games Night range from Role Playing Games...


Parent Support Group

Centre for Literacy 100, 9797-45th Avenue NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Description and Objectives The Parent Support Group is a new program offered at the Centre for Literacy. Participants from the Parenting a Child with Learning Disabilities/Disorders workshop asked that the Parent Support Group be established. As active participants in the Parenting a Child Workshop, they wanted to keep the conversation and mutual support going. The purpose of the Parent Support...


Board Games Night for Adults on the Autism Spectrum

Centre for Literacy 100, 9797-45th Avenue NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

The Centre for Literacy, with the kind support of the Larry and Janet Anderson Philanthropies, is delighted to host Board Games Night.  Held every second Thursday, it provides an opportunity for adults or older teens on the autism spectrum to get together and play a variety of board games. A formal diagnosis of autism is not necessary to participate. Games at...


Board Games Night for Adults on the Autism Spectrum

Centre for Literacy 100, 9797-45th Avenue NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

The Centre for Literacy, with the kind support of the Larry and Janet Anderson Philanthropies, is delighted to host Board Games Night.  Held every second Thursday, it provides an opportunity for adults or older teens on the autism spectrum to get together. A formal diagnosis of autism is not necessary to participate. Games at Games Night range from Role Playing Games...


Study Skills for Grade 6 Students

Centre for Literacy 100, 9797-45th Avenue NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Grade 6 is a time of transition for many students. It is the final year of Elementary School. The purpose of this session is to help Grade 6 students build study skills and maximize their success in preparation for the transition to Junior High School. This seminar is about studying so it sticks! The secret to doing well at school...


Study Skills for High School Students

Centre for Literacy 100, 9797-45th Avenue NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Study Skills is about studying so it sticks! The secret to doing well at school is working smarter not harder. In this session, strategies will be provided on how to: Uncover and capitalize on learning styles Manage time like a pro Get and stay organized Create a plan to stay on top of work Take notes that make sense Remember...


Parenting a Child with Learning Disorders

Centre for Literacy 100, 9797-45th Avenue NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Two nights, one great instructor, loads of information! June 3, 2019 7pm-9pm June 4, 2019 7pm-9pm *You may also register by calling 780-343-3698 or email [email protected] What are the critical things to know if your child has been diagnosed with a learning disorder/disablity (LD)? This is a question many parents ask after their child has been diagnosed with an LD....


Study Skills for Junior High Students

Centre for Literacy 100, 9797-45th Avenue NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Study Skills is about studying so it sticks! The secret to doing well at school is working smarter not harder. In this session, strategies will be provided on how to: Uncover and capitalize on learning styles Manage time like a pro Get and stay organized Create a plan to stay on top of work Take notes that make sense Remember what...
