Study Skills is about studying so it sticks! The secret to doing well at school is working smarter not harder. In this session, strategies will be provided on how to:
Uncover and capitalize on learning styles
Manage time like a pro
Get and stay organized
Create a plan to stay on top of work
Take notes that make sense
Remember what has been studied
*Included in the price is a 30 minute individualized consultation session with the instructor on May 26.
*You may also call to register 780-434-3698
Instructor:Theresa (Teddi) Doupe is teacher who has worked with learners who have great strengths and challenges throughout her career. A graduate of UofA (BEd, Special Education), Teddi worked in western Canada’s first post-secondary program for students with learning disabilities, served on the Learning Disabilities Association of Alberta and Edmonton boards, and continues to advocate for universal design. She currently works as an educator at the Centre of Literacy, providing customized one on one instruction in areas including active learning strategies, writing, mathematics, and reading. She uses evidence and strengths based strategies to support students in their learning journeys.